Sunday 28 October 2012

Another Attack Shark and another boring maths lesson, "Nuf Said" 

Saturday 27 October 2012

Banksy Stencils

Banksy Stencils
These are three stencils based on some graffiti done by banksy took about 2 hours altogether with all the sketching, cutting, glueing and recutting.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Attack Shark
basically a drawing  i did for fun during a math lesson (rebel i know)
Quality isn't great because i had to use a tiny little pencil

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Female Wolf

With this picture i wanted to achieve a manga type look. It has been done on oil-pastel and it took about 1  and 1/2 hours to complete enjoy!

Monday 22 October 2012

I'm going to have to start off by posting some random sketches as my art course pieces are kind of missing, not good!!

Baby Dragon
A very quick sketch using graphite pencil which took about 15-20 minutes. 

Hello Everyone

Hello everyone!!
I'm a wannabe artist who thinks that people should be able to share their work and receive honest feedback from people.
I'll probably be posting some random sketches which I have done as well as some pieces of higher quality which i have done for my art course.

Hope you enjoy!!